Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sip on this..............

Sipping for good sex… oh yes... and for health too...

Sipping… This is a Chinese “gong” (work)involes two things; breath and movement. You will notice this breath is concentrated on the inhalation. This inhalation is accomplished via a sipping action, like sucking a thick milk shake through a thin straw.

Begin with a couple of full inhalations followed by a complete exhalation. After the second complete exhalation begin sipping, short inhalations without exhaling till you’ve filled your lungs (keeping in mind to fill your belly first) this many take twenty or so sips. Once you feel full (please do not force anything) do another complete exhalation then return to another round.

Now as if that were not enough to remember, there is a second part to the practice in which we cause contraction the muscles in the pelvic floor or behind the cervix where the uterus projects into the vagina - for women. For men, the contraction happens in the area between the anus and the testes (in Chinese terms between the yin and the yang holes.) This contraction is synchronized with each sip --- Sip and contract, sip and contract.

You may feel a slight contraction just by sipping; the Chinese say the mouth and anus are two holes of the same pipe, so when you contract one, the other tend to contract on its own. Try it; sensitivity and awareness are powerful assets to bring into this practice, so do it when you have the time and space to offer it the attention it requires. This breath along with the contractions (some call these “Kegals”) offer the practitioner more sexual control and will alleviate some nasty sexual disorders.

For men these are known to, and I have experienced it myself, help with prostate problems such as BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia) which may cause weak urination, hesitancy, sexual dysfunction, and may develop into prostate cancer. In my case after just a couple of weeks of doing these all those symptoms left and I now pee like a teenager… YEAH!

These also offer men more sexual stamina and for women the ability to hold on to their man while he’s inside... a good thing for all concerned.

So enjoy this qigong… I promise it will offer much benefit to you all.

Click for more breath techniques

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