The comments here were meant for my Facebook friends, but it is a bit long so I’ll place it here for all of you to enjoy and place the link on FB.
Here we go....
I sit here reading what everyone’s (by everyone I mean the raw fooder's) is eating this morning and ask why?
When I began my journey many many years ago (OK 1967 smiles) the point was to eat simply, to return to nature, to eat real "food" as it is... Today I see things like banana cream this, and taco that, and raw pizza, mock cheese cake, etc...
As for me I would prefer just having a banana, some nuts, juicing some veggies, eating some sprouts, chewing on some wheat grass, and if I want cheese cake, once a month go to a good restaurant and have a slice of the real thing, it won’t kill me and it tastes soo much better...
I can see the substitution deal as a transition diet for those with little will power to cross over, or for a fun treat, diner party, etc. but to have to make every good thing mock the crap we used to eat, the SAD mode, is foolishness and keeps the mind locked into a pattern that makes it easy to return to eating poorly again..... for many will say, "I don't like this mock stuff, i want the real thing."
I believe something goes on in the mind when we eat things that look like food, that there is a primal message offered when we see a living thing, kill it (yes vegan do kill) and eat it... and the message the mind offers the body is “here come X, do this to use it”... If you reject that, then let me ask, has your mouth ever watered when you've looked at or even thought about something you love to eat? This is your mind preparing your body to digest...
I know many of my sweet friends are vested in this gourmet raw food thing, some because they like it, some because they are making a business out of it, but please, let’s not think this is a way to live, and let's not make others believe this is how it “must” be to be raw, vegan, healthy.. It’s not...
Believe me, this is discouraging for the majority of the population, for most people just do have the willingness, time, or ability to live this way; for it is very time consuming; as anyone who lives the life can tell u.
If we are trying to be helpful, live and eat well, we must get real... this is not a sustainable lifestyle for the “average” person.
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