On a social network I posted some information about plastics and the damage it is doing to us and to our planet... A dear woman wrote back complaining about how hard it is to change and how expensive it is to buy things in glass... This is what I wrote. I hope it motivates even one of you to do something... Today.

Dear one... Know this... “it is up to us what will happen” nothing changes unless people are willing to make changes, sacrifices, and plenty of noise.
When I was a young vegan/activist in the early seventies, I would carry glass containers and cloth bags to the grocery, me and my lady would right there at the checkout unload the food from its containers, saying out loud to all around us, “why do we need all this packing, why can’t we buy in bulk, why all this waste?” We’d walk out, checkout littered with milk containers and oat meal boxes, etc... They were left with their mouths open...
What can we do??? Everything... First stop buying the products that are irresponsibly packaged, next tell the companies that you’ve done this, tell your friends also... It’s easier these days to make your voice heard, you can email these companies, and email them again, and again, you can call your local paper, news people and make a scene... Get excited... share the video...
Things stay the same because individuals believe they are powerless againist such large corporations. That’s just what they want you to believe... The plastics industry is huge... Also government is lazy and in their pockets...
Let me ask... Why is there no deposit on all plastic packaging the same way there was once on all pop bottles? If there was people would be motivated to recycle them, then much of this plastic would be going round and round instead of in our oceans and ground, where it makes its way into our ground water, poisoning all we eat and drink.
So yes its takes some effort to make a change, it may even cost you some money, require some sacrifice, but what’s our option, to surrender our lives, our planet so that a few, a very few, super wealthy people can live like gods while we pay their tab and die from their abuse...
We need to stop it now! It’s like anything else... you say you’re a vegan, don’t like killing, then I don’t want to see any animal products on you or in your home, car, etc... You say you care about this planet then prove it... It’s easy to retreat in to ones little world, grow a garden in the back, smile at the sun, dance around the fire... but if you really care, do something! Don’t wait till tomorrow, if you do it will never happen... Today, do something... remember... “IT’S UP TO US WHAT WILL HAPPEN”
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