They only sell, we buy.......
Today I announced to my FB friends that the gulf well had been capped (for now)... This began a conversation; I said all this will not change anything until “we” do something, until we are willing to change our lives, perhaps “god forbid” even sacrifice...
One fine lady wrote this, you’ll find my response following her comment... Let me also say she is complaining that she lives on a mountain (her choice to save herself and family from the world) and therefore cannot live without a car. I see a bit of selfish hypocrisy here...
The dear one says........ "I beg to differ.... The clean technology is being withheld...as a result of greed...there are so many solutions to our oil addiction...it's just that the oil companies and gov'ts benefiting from the oil profits are withholding the info, there is a huge green energy cover up."
My reply.. dear one, I agree with u, but differ too...
if it is greed, and I agree it is, then if we stop using it they will begin selling something we will buy; there is no profit in product that doesn't sell, so the problem continues to return to us...
We want someone else to do it for us, we complain "they" should offer us something else so we don't have to ride bicycles and take mass transit, walk even, so we shift the blame and continue stasis quo...
My car has gone 3 miles since last friday and I own two... My friends see me in the streets and ask "do you bike everywhere?" My answer is "if I can"
When our cities look like this (click) we'll be on our way... and our fat American asses will shrink too...
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