Monday, March 2, 2009


At peace with things as they are

This little note was offered in response to a sweet lady who commented on my blog "Evolve." I share it for I believe it offers still another look at how many live their lives and the "suffering" they try to escape in vain. In vain for the path they’ve chosen is one that offers only temporary relief, if any…

My friend... I’m glad u find value in what I wrote. I only offer what I see and what I see here in my world is all too often a society filled with beings who are lost in their consumerism, trapped in an endless cycle of buying and losing, of perpetual dissatisfaction, never finding a place, a sable place, where enough is enough, where they can find joy in things aging, even their own precious bodies.

I’m in healthcare and in the office I work beings come daily to have the faces and bodies reworked, trying to defeat father time, chasing down wrinkles, sucking out fat and injecting it elsewhere.

This dissatisfaction with things “as they are” is a cancer, one which takes much more that it gives, one that makes us unable to sit quietly and observe our lives passing with joy, peace and the knowledge that “all is well” just as things are…

Smiles my friend… gi

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