I just received an email from a right winger who is encouraging me to opt out of the Obama's health plan. This I agree with, but after looking at the site where the "opt out" form resides I cannot agree with the foundation of their desires and what it might or might not accomplish, nor do I agree with what is being proposed; so I wrote this back ...
Sir, I’m not a communist or socialist, but I’m a not a right wing nut either. Yet something needs to get done…
As is, the medical establishment has screwed us big time, insurance it out of sight, we can't afford to come out of pocket, so what do u suggest?
Like it or not some form of socialized medicine must be put in place, one that permits (demands) people care for themselves or “not care” and die, it’s ok with me…
To permit people to self-destruct and then expect me to pay for their ten last years of life under the “care” doctors, hospitals, hospices, is crazy. Whatever happened to responsibility?
The right wingers talk about being independent from the government all the time, yet they abuse themselves more than most, they smoke the most, drink the most and eat the most crap. So I don’t want their way, I don’t want Obama's way, I want a way that truly makes sense and forces people (if they want assistance from the government or me) to care for themselves or die on their own dollar…
Thanks for listening…. gabriel