Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Insurance... fear fear fear....

Insurance... I have none... I don't believe in it... It is all fear based!

This piece below was written in response to a post concerning healthcare in general and more care for the autistic...

There are things we need insurance for, accidents, etc., but if we avoided all the unnecessary so-called care, the other could be paid for by the government with our taxes, no problem, and the rest of the money could be spent on health enhancing techniques instead of keeping people alive with no quality of life; and I'm not just talking about bed ridden folks, I'm talking about forty year olds who can''t climb a flight of stairs, can't run 10 yards, can't make love without little blue pills... Please people wake up!

OK now the piece... :-)

Insurance... perhaps we might think about changing our lives so that all this coverage become unnecessary.

It's a fact that the majority of all covered doctor's visits and prescribed pharmaceuticals could be avoided if people would stop eating shit, drinking too much, and sitting on their asses.

As far as I'm concerned these people don’t deserve subsidized care. I'm not happy about paying for their self imposed damage; meanwhile I can't get proper preventative care so that I may avoid the very crap they have gotten themselves into. Whatever happened to being responsible for ones actions?

Concerning autism, stop poisoning our children with fear marketed vaccines.. That’s a start… Instead of looking for drugs to fix it, learn how to prevent it, to heal it. Drugs never heal a thing....


Monday, August 10, 2009

Its the terrain - skin cancer

More buying and selling, motivated by fear, focusing on the wrong thing.

One of the "products" being sold to us in greater and greater quantity is sunblock...

The whole fear of skin cancer is a hoax, just something else to push us to buy more crap... I'm not saying poeple don't get cancer but I ask u, why is it that human beings are the only creature, living thing on this planet that is harmed by the sun? Plants grow, animals thrive, we hide...

Just like with all things, it is not the external thing that harms us, it is the state of our own health, our terrain... So rather than trying to find a safe/stronger sunblock, why not just spend that money, that energy making ourselves well, building our immune systems so that the lovely rays of the sun don't harm us, but instead bless us...

As always this is just my humble opinion.... don't be angry... just think about it...gi